Tbilisi (GBC)- In December 2024 the Construction Cost Index (CCI) increased by 2.7% compared to the previous month. The change was mainly due to a 12.6% increase in average monthly nominal wages of employees in the construction sector, which contributed 2.72 percentage points to the total index change, - according to the preliminary data from the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).

According to the documnet, compared to December 2023 the CCI increased by 4.7%. The latter was largely caused by the 19.7% increase in average monthly nominal wages of employees in the construction sector and by the 3% increase in the prices of construction materials, which contributed 3.01 and 1.77 percentage points to the total index change, respectively.

Along with this, the Construction Cost Index posted a 22.8% increase compared to February 2022.