An electronic auction was announced for the cultivation of Georgian vi...

The state of Georgia must plant Georgian vines in Leville’s estate by September 23, 2026, as stipulated in the deed of transfer of the estate signed before a French notary on September 23, 2016.According to the terms of the lease, within 12 months from the signing of the contract, Georgian vines should be planted on the leased property; Bioproduction should start in 48 months. 20% of the organic wine produced annually should be given to Leville’s estate free of charge.In order to fulfill the stipulated obligations, the lessee must make an investment of at least 100,000 Euros (including an investment of at least 10,000 Euros for arranging one cave). The term of transfer to use is 10 years. Annual lease payments will be made once a year. The winning company in the auction must present a document confirming at least one year of experience in organic wine production before signing the lease agreement, as well as a corresponding bank guarantee.The electronic auction is valid until September 30, 2024 at 17:00.


Final Event to Present Achievements of the EU-Funded Skills for Job Pr...

Location: Radisson Blu Hotel (Address: 1 Rose Revolution Square, Tbilisi)Time: 09:00Date: 26 SeptemberThe event will open with remarks from Nicholas Cendrowicz, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to Georgia.The EU-funded Skills for Jobs Programme has supported the development and implementation of sector reform policies in employment, skills development, and youth in Georgia, contributing to Georgia's socio-economic development and global competitiveness by strengthening institutional capacities, improving standards of service delivery, enhancing the employability of individuals throughout Georgia and fostering an inclusive, cohesive and prosperous society.The concluding event will serve as a platform to showcase the impressive results yielded by the programme, which was implemented through a comprehensive approach that included budget support, technical assistance, Institutional Twinning and a grant scheme component.One of the programme's main highlights is its significant impact on skills and youth development in Georgia's regions. Thanks to the nine grant projects funded by the Programme, thousands of Georgians have been assisted by non-governmental actors and service providers by providing guidance and support to help them align their skills more closely with labour market needs and find employment.The event will also spotlight the achievements of the Technical Assistance component, which includes the development of key documents, strategies, and capacity building to deliver employment services and active labour market policy measures. To conclude the event, a panel will reflect on the programme's effects on employment, skills development, and youth in Georgia and on the means of ensuring the sustainability of results.The event will be attended by experts, policymakers, civil society actors, private sector representatives, and representatives of educational institutions. About the European UnionFor more than 30 years, the European Union has built a close partnership with Georgia, supporting its development through knowledge and experience sharing, expertise, innovation and financial support. The relationship between the EU and Georgia is based on shared values of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and inclusive economic growth. More about the EU's support in Georgia the ProjectSkills for Jobs Programme, launched in 2019 aimed to improve the employability of women, men, young people and vulnerable people in regions of Georgia. The programme was implemented through a range of different measures, including EUR 30 million direct budget support, two Twinning projects, EUR 7 million grant scheme and technical assistance component. For additional information on EU's Skills4Jobs Programme, please visit: U4Georgia website: 


The labor shortage is a major business challenge

In Q3 of 2024, volatility of the national currency exchange rate was cited as a hindering factor by the surveyed companies.As of the document,  in  Q3 of 2024, legal and administrative barriers were cited as a hindering factor by 75% of surveyed companies.According to the document, In Q3 of 2024, the following factors were also emphasized as the most hindering for business activity: a lack of specialists and weak demand.The Business Association of Georgia (BAG) Index is a joint product of the Business Association of Georgia, PMC Research Center and the ifo Institute for Economic Research. The BAG Index summarizes the BAG Business Climate, BAG Employment Barometer and BAG Investment Environment, which are calculated according to the assessments of the top managers of BAG member businesses and companies in their corporate group.


82.3% more Georgian wine was exported to the USA

It should be noted that in 2022, the imports of Georgian wine to the USA amounted to $5.4 million, and in 2023, this figure decreased slightly by $0.2 million and amounted to $5.2 million.The table below presents the volume of Georgian wine imports to the USA from 1997 to 2023:According to Geostat, in 2023, wine worth $5,612,340 million was exported from Georgia to the USA.In 2Q2024, $2,794,680 million worth of Georgian wine entered the US market. This figure was $1,261,900 million higher than in the same period of 2023, when $1,532,789 million worth of wine entered the US market. The imports of the mentioned products increased by 82.3% during the reporting period. 


Belgian company Jan De Nul wins tender for Anaklia Port construction

The large Belgian company Jan De Nul, one of the “Big Four” in the dredging industry, was selected, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development reported.After negotiations, Jan De Nul, one of the largest European companies in the world, will undertake the deepening of the harbour’s water area and the construction of a breakwater.“The tender commission, which included international consultants, chose Jan De Nul as the best among the three participating companies, all of which are European and possess an excellent global reputation. These companies control 80% of the world’s dredging fleet.Jan De Nul, founded in 1938, has a turnover of EUR 2.5 billion and employs over 7,000 people. The company has been actively involved in major projects such as the Panama Canal expansion and has carried out or is currently undertaking projects in various regions, including Europe, the Gulf, and Africa.The Anaklia Deep Sea Port is a strategic project for Georgia, intended to connect the transport systems of Europe and Asia and serve the cargo flow in the Middle Corridor, the shortest and safest route between the West and the East.The port aims to significantly boost Georgia’s economy, attract international investments, and create thousands of new jobs. It is expected to enhance the competitiveness of not only Georgia but also other countries along the Middle Corridor.The first ships are expected to arrive at Anaklia Deep Sea Port in 2029, which will boost the cargo flow through Georgia’s transport and logistics infrastructure.The capacity of the port’s first phase will be 600,000 containers per year, with an indicative value of 600 million USD,” the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development stated.


10.6% more construction permissions were issued in 1H24

As of the document, 74% of the all permits have been issued in four regions of the country, namely: 47.9 percent in Tbilisi, 9.7 percent in Kvemo Kartli region, 8.3 percent in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region and 8.1 percent in Kakheti region.It should be noted that in January-June, 2024, permissions were issued for the construction of multifunctional residential complexes, trade facilities, hotels, industrial enterprises, objects for agricultural purposes and other buildings.1 720 objects (17.4 percent more compared to the previous year) with total area of 1 600.7 thousand square meters (19.7 percent more compared to the previous year) were completed in January – June, 2024.More than half of the completed constructions are distributed among four regions of the country, namely: 37.0 percent is located in Tbilisi, 13.1 percent - in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, 12.6 percent - in Kakheti region and 9.1 percent - in Imereti region.


Number of hospital beds 14.5% less y-o-y

The number of outpatient facilities was 2 295. Number of visits in medical institutions equaled to 15.4 million, which is 1.1 percent more compare to the corresponding indicator of 2022.According to the data of 2023, the number of doctors employed in medical institutions amounted to 24.4 thousand, and the number of nursing staff - 21.5 thousand.Compared to the previous year, the number of diseases registered (for the first time with a diagnosis) has increased in the following groups: diseases of endocrine system, digestion disorders, disorders of metabolism and immunity increased by 53.4 percent, complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period - 51.5 percent, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - by 50.0 percent, diseases of the eye and adnexa - by 45.4 percent, diseases of the ear and mastoid process – by 42.3 percent.From main disease groups the most common in the population are diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the eye and adnexa and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. In 2023, the number of new cases of AIDS amounted to 612 units, which is 5 units less than the corresponding indicator of 2022, and the total (cumulative) number of people living with HIV/AIDS amounted to 10 391. There were 122 deaths from HIV/AIDS during the 2023 year.In 2023, morbidity with tuberculosis decreased by 12.7 percent and amounted to 1 444. The number of new cases decreased by 13.4 percent.In 2023, emergency care provided to approximately 1.1 million people, of which 98.9 percent of cases were related to sudden illness.


Exports of peaches increased by 4%

Export income has also increased by 9%, exceeding USD 16.2 million. It should be noted that last year, in the same period, the income received from peaches and grapes made up USD 14.8 million.Also, the price of peaches increased by 5%, which, according to the latest data, amounted to USD 1.14 per kilogram.It should be noted that in the last 10 years, the export of peaches and plums exceeded 170 thousand tons; The income from exports reached USD 154 million.


Georgia Global Utilities announces issuance of $300 Million Green Bond...

GGU is the first company to reopen international debt capital markets for Georgian companies since the onset of May-June 2024 volatility. The fixed coupon rate for the bonds was set at 8.875%, with an issue price at 100% of the nominal value, with a maturity of 5 years. Investor interest, both foreign and Georgian, exceeded the issue volume by approximately 60%.J.P. Morgan acted as the sole lead manager and bookrunner for the transaction, with TBC Capital and Galt & Taggart serving as co-managers. Legal advisors for J.P. Morgan and GGU included Latham & Watkins, Baker & McKenzie LLP, BLC Law Office and Dentons, while EY served as the auditor.GGU intends to allocate an amount equal to the net proceeds to eligible projects within its strategic green initiatives. The funds raised will be used to finance new green capital investments and to refinance existing liabilities. GGU has obtained a second party opinion from the leading ESG research and analytics firm, DNV."I am pleased to announce the successful issuance of GGU's second green bond. GGU was the first private company in Georgia to issue green bonds in 2020. With this transaction we continue to uphold our environmental responsibilities and maintain our status as a leading sustainable company in Georgia.I would like to express special thanks to our partners, international financial institutions, for their support - the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Germany’s Development Finance Institution for the private sector, subsidiary of KfW Group (DEG).The bond funds will be used to refinance GGU's existing liabilities and to finance capital investments in the water supply sector. This transaction will significantly improve the company's financial profile and liquidity, helping us to develop a healthy and sustainable business," said Jose Miguel Santos Gonzalez, General Director of GGU."The size, price, and investor base of this transaction are proof of GGU's strong financial position and great growth potential. The company's securities have attracted considerable interest from retail investors and international financial organizations in both local and international markets. I am delighted that Galt & Taggart played an active role in the successful completion of such a remarkable transaction," said Ketevan Toidze, Deputy Director of Galt & Taggart.“Congratulations to GGU on the successful issuance of green bonds, which has attracted significant interest from both international and local investors. We are pleased that TBC Capital served as the co-managing investment bank for both the company's first and second green Eurobond issuances. The issuance of the second green bond in the international market underscores GGU's long-term commitment to sustainable development. The financial resources obtained from this bond issue will not only enhance the company's financial standing but also support the execution of more green initiatives and projects in the market," said Mary Chachanidze, Managing Director of TBC Capital.According to Fitch Ratings, GGU holds a BB- (Outlook Stable) rating, and S&P Global assigns a BB- (CreditWatch Positive) rating.Georgia Global Utilities (GGU) manages the water supply systems of Tbilisi, Mtskheta and Rustavi (GWP) and energy facilities. GGU owns several hydro power plants with a total installed capacity of 149 MW, including the Zhinvali hydro power plant - the second largest with a reservoir in Georgia. Since 2022, 80% of the company's shares are owned by the Spanish company FCC Aqualia, a leading entity in the European water supply market, and 20% by the investment holding company Georgia Capital.


TSU Is The Leader Among The Public Universities In the Caucasus, While...

In the top ten, 5 universities are Georgian. The University of Georgia (UG) has moved up 800 places and is still the best private university in the region. Besides, those universities (Ivane Javakhishvili, Tbilisi State University, Ilia State University and Georgian Technical University) had a regression compared to the previous ranking.