Tbilisi (GBC) - According to the NBG’s statistics, the growth rate of cash circulation decreased by 2.2 times. In April, national currency in circulation increased by only 70 million GEL (after 171 million increase in March) and exceeded 5.745 billion GEL by 01.05.2024.
January-February was the opposite, a decrease of 430 million was noted.
In the last reporting month, refinancing loans decreased by 55 million GEL (in March +190 million; February +130 million), one-day loans were no longer issued, and as of May 1st, the balance has decreased by 215 million to 35 million GEL.
There are no transactions in the secondary securities market either. Activities in the secondary market have been suspended since November.
Overall, the net debt of banks decreased to 2.4 billion in April, after a 400 million increase in March. At the end of February, the balance of the portfolio was 2.25 billion GEL.
During the reporting period, the NBG did not apply for currency interventions (the activity of the supervisor has not been noted since November). February's net purchases on Bmatch were $77.5 million, March's - $128 million. April's net purchases are within $70 million.
In February, buying and selling in the foreign exchange market almost entirely accounted for the spot transactions (98.3%) and exceeded $2.6 billion (+4.3%Y.Y).
Share of the NBG in total foreign exchange trade by months (2024-2023)
2024 |
2023 |
January |
0.3% |
4.9% |
February |
3.0% |
3.4% |
March |
7,2% |
April |
10.8% |
May |
5.2% |
June |
5.0% |
July |
9.1% |
August |
3.9% |
September |
2.6% |
October |
3.5% |
November |
0.6% |
December |
0.1% |