Tbilisi (GBC) - Based on a recent analysis of European Commission data, ministries and other state institutions in Georgia were allocated €517 million in EU funding, while CSOs were allocated €46.1 million between 2019 and 2024.

The EU Delegation in Georgia said that €46.1 million in EU funds covered 47 projects implemented by more than 170 CSOs operating all over Georgia across various sectors:

  • Human rights & gender equality: €8.6 million;
  • Democratic participation & media: €8.0 million;
  • Business development & vocational training: €7.9 million;
  • Security sector reform: €4.9 million;
  • Culture & creative industries: €4.6 million;
  • Conflict confidence building: €4.0 million;
  • Decentralisation & rural development: €3.9 million;
  • Environment & climate: €2.0 million;
  • Public administration reform: €1.2 million;
  • Legal & judicial development: €1.0 million.

More than two-thirds of the €46.1 million in EU funds allocated to CSOs between 2019 and 2024 provide direct services and aid to people in Georgia in areas like assisting vulnerable groups, vocational training, entrepreneurship, social services, culture and environmentally friendly measures.

The remaining one-third of the funds are used by organisations to monitor, promote, and collaborate with the government on human rights, EU standards adoption, gender equality, and decentralisation.

Among the top 10 beneficiaries of EU assistance in Georgia (2019-2024) are the following governmental institutions:

  • € 111.55 million – Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure / local authorities;
  • € 101.40 million – Ministry of Finance;
  • € 62.75 million – Ministry of Defence;
  • € 57 million – Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture & agencies;
  • € 30.5 million – Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development;
  • € 25.07 million – Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affair & agencies;
  • € 19 million – State Commission for Migration Issues;
  • € 12.85 million – Ministry of Education, Science and Youth;
  • € 10.5 million – Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • € 7.4 million – Administration of Government;
  • € 4.8 million – Georgian Parliament.