Tbilisi (GBC) - A concluding event will present the achievements of the EU-funded Skills for Jobs Programme, which launched its second phase in 2019 and is backed by a robust EU funding contribution of approximately €48.85 million.

Location: Radisson Blu Hotel (Address: 1 Rose Revolution Square, Tbilisi)
Time: 09:00
Date: 26 September

The event will open with remarks from Nicholas Cendrowicz, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to Georgia.

The EU-funded Skills for Jobs Programme has supported the development and implementation of sector reform policies in employment, skills development, and youth in Georgia, contributing to Georgia's socio-economic development and global competitiveness by strengthening institutional capacities, improving standards of service delivery, enhancing the employability of individuals throughout Georgia and fostering an inclusive, cohesive and prosperous society.

The concluding event will serve as a platform to showcase the impressive results yielded by the programme, which was implemented through a comprehensive approach that included budget support, technical assistance, Institutional Twinning and a grant scheme component.

One of the programme's main highlights is its significant impact on skills and youth development in Georgia's regions. Thanks to the nine grant projects funded by the Programme, thousands of Georgians have been assisted by non-governmental actors and service providers by providing guidance and support to help them align their skills more closely with labour market needs and find employment.

The event will also spotlight the achievements of the Technical Assistance component, which includes the development of key documents, strategies, and capacity building to deliver employment services and active labour market policy measures. To conclude the event, a panel will reflect on the programme's effects on employment, skills development, and youth in Georgia and on the means of ensuring the sustainability of results.

The event will be attended by experts, policymakers, civil society actors, private sector representatives, and representatives of educational institutions. 

About the European Union

For more than 30 years, the European Union has built a close partnership with Georgia, supporting its development through knowledge and experience sharing, expertise, innovation and financial support. The relationship between the EU and Georgia is based on shared values of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and inclusive economic growth. More about the EU's support in Georgia https://eu4georgia.eu/the-european-union-in-georgia/

About the Project

Skills for Jobs Programme, launched in 2019 aimed to improve the employability of women, men, young people and vulnerable people in regions of Georgia. The programme was implemented through a range of different measures, including EUR 30 million direct budget support, two Twinning projects, EUR 7 million grant scheme and technical assistance component. For additional information on EU's Skills4Jobs Programme, please visit: U4Georgia website: https://eu4georgia.eu/skills4jobs-programme/